About UsJust as one seed can produce many seeds, one idea can change many lives. Free public libraries were revolutionary in their time because they provided access to books and knowledge that had not previously been available to a large segment of the population. A free seed lending library can also provide people with a chance to transform their lives and communities by providing access to fresh, healthy food that may not otherwise be available.
The Richmond Grows Seed Lending Library is open to everyone and provides, in addition to seeds, education about growing and saving seeds and organic gardening. It is our hope that seed library patrons will return some seeds from their harvest to make the library self-sustaining. We are committed to saving and sharing rare and unique varieties in particular ones that have cultural significance to our community. We believe that we can preserve biodiversity of our seed stock, create locally adapted resilient seeds while increasing food security. Our library is maintained by volunteers and supported by donations. Get involved! Together We Can Do It! MissionOur Mission is to increase the capacity of our community to feed itself wholesome food by being an accessible and free source of locally adapted plant seeds, supplied and cultivated by and for Richmond area residents. Richmond Grows celebrates biodiversity through the time-honored tradition of seed saving, nurtures locally-adapted plant varieties, and fosters community resilience, self-reliance, and a culture of sharing. We celebrate our human diversity through outreach and inclusion. Richmond Grows strives to fulfill its mission by focusing on two activities:
1. To establish and grow a seed library—a depository of seeds held in trust for the members of that library —available to all Richmond residents; 2. To provide information, instruction and education about sustainable organic gardening. |
Co-Founder and Coordinator
![]() Rebecca Newburn is a science and math educator for over 30 years. In 2010, she attended Seed School with Bill McDorman. Her "Create a Library" resources have been used to support thousands of seed libraries open around the world.
She also founded the Seed Library Network and developed and curates the SeedLibraries.net resources. Several years ago, when legal challenges arose around our right to save and share seeds locally, she was a partner in the National Save Seed Sharing Campaign. The Campaign successfully passed legislation to protect seed sharing in key states and amended the Recommended Universal State Seed Law to exempt seed libraries from commercial regulations. She was a charter member of the Richmond Rivets, a transition town initiative in Richmond, California, where she lives. She can sometimes be seen walking around dressed as Rosie the Riveter. She loves her "Can Do" spirit and she's a hometown girl. Rebecca also created the 2 Steps a Month to Emergency Preparedness project, a program to help prepare individuals and their communities for disasters. Video about Richmond Grows' Co-Founder Rebecca Newburn's garden
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